Your Project

The following operations are performed after you have at least initialized your project for git source control with git init.

Add build-support module

A helper script is needed to execute the Maven release (and deploy) sequence, so first add the build-support sub-module to your project:

git submodule add


Add a settings.xml to your project’s base directory to convey the server credentials needed to publish to Bintray. The following content can be used as is for that file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=''
          xmlns='' xmlns:xsi=''>




Some specifics will need to be declared within your pom.xml.

SCM section

Add the following section to the top level of your pom.xml but replace the following placeholders with your GitHub specifics:

  • [[user]]
  • [[repo]]

Plugins section

Declare the latest deploy plugin to avoid a bug in older versions that would leave out the git commit step. Add the following text as is in the build > plugins section:


Distribution management section

To complement the Bintray configuration in settings.xml, add the following text as is to the top level of your pom.xml:



We’ll hook the release process into the deployment stage of your CircleCI build configuration. Use the following snippet as an example for yours. You can specify your mainline branch instead of master, if needed.

    branch: master
      - build-support/

Since a git sub-module is being used you’ll also need to add this:

    - git submodule sync
    - git submodule update --init


Next, you will need to prepare a Bintray repository and project.


Instead of your password, you will use your API key to deploy to Bintray. Obtain your API key from your profile, in the edit section.

Create project entry

Create a project entry with the same name as your project’s artifactId and note the name of the containing repository since you’ll need that for the BINTRAY_REPO variable, below.

CircleCI project

You’re almost done now. The last piece is configuring the project environment variables and push access for GitHub.

Setup GitHub user key access

To enable git push access from within your builds, go to your project’s settings and the section:

Permissions > Checkout SSH keys

Click the action to “Create and add user key”, as shown here:

enter image description here

Setup project environment variables

Also in your project’s settings, add these environment variables:


Double-check Ubuntu Version

At the time of writing this, the git push works only with the choice of “Ubuntu 12.04” in the project’s Build Environment settings: enter image description here

Perform a release

When you’re ready to perform a release, invoke the CircleCI parameterized build API to trigger a build.

In the POST body, replace these placeholders:

  • [[tag]] : this will be the Git tag of the release and the default release name. GitHub recommends you prefix the tag with a “v” and use semantic versioning.
  • [[version]] : this will be the Maven project’s version, which is typically the same as the tag but without the “v” prefix.
  • [[next]] : this is the next snapshot version you’ll want to use for continued development after the release. I recommend using a two-part shortening of the semantic version with the minor version bumped up to the next.
  • [[email]] : your email address as configured in your GitHub account

In the POST URL, replace these parameters (or use the param editor in a tool like Postman):

  • :username : GitHub username
  • :project : GitHub project name
  • :branch : the branch to build, which needs to match the branch configured in your circle.yml, above.
  • :token : an API token allocated from the API Tokens section in your account settings
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "build_parameters": {
        "MVN_RELEASE_TAG": "[[tag]]",
        "MVN_RELEASE_VER": "[[version]]",
        "MVN_RELEASE_DEV_VER": "[[next]]-SNAPSHOT",
        "MVN_RELEASE_USER_EMAIL": "[[email]]",
        "MVN_RELEASE_USER_NAME": "Via CircleCI"
}' "


Your API-triggered-build includes “Build Parameters” that you can inspect later to see what exact release was performed: enter image description here